How to Transform Your Kitchen by Lowering a Raised Bar


Lowering a raised kitchen bar is a key decision in any home renovation or commercial improvement project. It not only transforms the functionality of your kitchen area but also enhances the visual appeal & accessibility of your space. In this article, we explore the important aspects such as understanding the construction of raised kitchen bars, ascertaining reasons for lowering them, and outlining the steps required to achieve success. By exploring these aspects, we aim to provide valuable insights that empower property owners to make informed decisions that best suit their space needs and aesthetic preferences. 

Overview of Raised Kitchen Bar Construction

When it comes to home renovation, one area that often undergoes a transformation is the kitchen. As part of this process, many homeowners may choose to lower a raised kitchen bar to create a more open and inviting space. To successfully complete this project, it is essential to understand the structure of a raised kitchen bar.

Construction and Components:

Typically, a raised kitchen bar is constructed above the standard counter height, often standing around 42 inches tall, compared to a standard counter at about 36 inches. It usually features a sturdy frame made of wood or metal, topped with a durable countertop material such as granite, quartz, or reclaimed wood.

Common Materials and Designs:

In the US, design preferences tend to lean towards materials that offer both durability and aesthetics, such as natural stone or solid surfaces. Styles range from sleek and modern to rustic, depending on the overall design theme of the home or commercial space.

 Reasons to Lower a Raised Kitchen Bar

Below are some common reasons to consider lowering your kitchen bar during your home remodeling process.

Optimization of Space:

One of the primary reasons for lowering a raised kitchen bar is to enhance space efficiency. This can be a crucial factor for homeowners with smaller homes or apartments where space is limited. According to recent study, the average size of a new single-family home in the US is around 2299 square feet. In contrast, the typical apartment size ranges from about 500 to 1,000 square feet. 

Therefore, if you have a smaller home, lowering your kitchen bar can provide your kitchen with an essential visual appearance of open space. This integration of your living area and your kitchen can make your home seem more spacious.

Aesthetic Appeal:

Another reason why homeowners opt to lower their raised kitchen bar is to enhance their kitchen’s aesthetic appeal. Modern interior decoration focuses on displaying clean lines and open layouts, making the kitchen appear spacious and streamlined. By lowering your kitchen bar, you can reduce visual clutter, creating a more open and streamlined kitchen profile. This change will also make your kitchen appear more modern and enhance the overall ambiance of your home.


With a lower bar height, you can make your kitchen space more accessible to everyone, including children, shorter adults, and those who use wheelchairs. According to recent statistics, around 6.8 million US citizens use mobility devices, such as wheelchairs and canes. This fact means that incorporating accessibility into your home renovation project is essential. 

By lowering your kitchen bar, it can become a more functional space, accommodating everyone’s needs, regardless of height or mobility limitations. This inclusion can improve the overall functionality of your home and enhance the living experience.

Key Considerations Before Lowering a Raised Kitchen Bar 

Here are some key factors that must be consider before taking a decision of lowering the raised kitchen bar. 

  1. Evaluating the Existing Kitchen Bar Structure:

Before embarking on the project, it is vital to thoroughly assess the current state and structure of your raised kitchen bar. This assessment will help determine the level of complexity involved and whether extensive modifications will be necessary.

  1. Check Legal and Compliance Issues:

Complying with local building codes and regulations is non-negotiable when it comes to any home renovation project, including lowering a kitchen bar. It is imperative to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations governing your area as they can significantly impact the materials you can use and the extent of allowable structural changes.

  1. Set a Realistic Budget:

To avoid any budgetary surprises, it is essential to set a budget for lowering your kitchen bar. The cost can vary depending on the intricacy of the project and the materials chosen. On average, homeowners typically spend between $2,000 to $5,000 for such renovations, but costs may vary based on the scale of the project and the finishes selected.

Step-by-Step Guide to Lowering a Raised Kitchen Bar

Here are the steps to lower a raised kitchen bar as a DIY project.

Planning and Design: 

    In the planning stage, it is essential to consider consulting a professional designer, especially if your project involves complex adjustments. A designer’s expertise will ensure that the lowered kitchen bar seamlessly integrates into your existing kitchen’s décor. Additionally, by involving a professional, you can benefit from their knowledge of the latest design trends and materials.

    Statistics show that homeowners who hire a professional designer for their home renovation projects are more likely to be satisfied with the end results. In fact, according to a survey conducted by the National Kitchen and Bath Association, 87% of homeowners who worked with a professional designer were extremely satisfied with their kitchen remodel.


      Before you begin the demolition phase, it is crucial to plan for waste and debris removal. Depending on the size and complexity of the project, you may need to hire professional services to handle the disposal responsibly. This ensures compliance with local regulations and minimizes environmental impact.

      Homeowners who engage professional waste removal services report saving time and experiencing less stress during their renovation process. 


        During the reconstruction phase, you will need to adjust the existing frame to the new desired height. This step often involves reinforcing the structure to ensure stability and safety. Hiring a skilled contractor or carpenter is highly recommended to ensure that the changes are made correctly.

        Research suggests that homeowners who work with a skilled contractor during their kitchen renovation are more likely to have their projects completed on time and within budget. According to the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, 63% of homeowners who hired a general contractor for major kitchen renovations reported completion within the projected timeframe.

        Final Touches:  

          Once the frame has been properly adjusted and reinforced, it is time to install the new countertop and add the finishing touches. Choose a countertop material that is not only visually appealing but also durable and easy to maintain. Quartz, for example, is a popular choice due to its scratch-resistant and non-porous nature.

          To fully integrate the lowered kitchen bar with the overall aesthetic of your kitchen, select suitable finishes and consider applying fresh paint or decorations. This attention to detail ensures a cohesive and visually pleasing end result.

          Revitalize your kitchen’s look and functionality with expert renovation services. Book your kitchen renovation consultation today and start transforming your space. Contact us! 


          Lowering a raised kitchen bar can significantly enhance the functionality and style of your kitchen. This modification not only aligns with modern design trends but also improves the space’s accessibility and efficiency. Whether you’re updating a residential kitchen or renovating a commercial property, consider this effective upgrade to modernize and maximize your kitchen space.


          How much does it cost to lower a kitchen bar?

          The cost can range from $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the complexity and materials used. If the raised bar is part of a larger renovation, costs may increase due to additional changes or upgrades.

          How long does it take to lower a raised kitchen bar? 

          Typically, the project can be completed within a week, assuming no major structural challenges arise.

          Is lowering a kitchen bar a DIY project?  

          While some aspects, like demolition, can be DIY, structural changes should be handled by professionals to ensure safety and compliance.

          How does lowering a kitchen bar affect home resale value?

          Provide insights on the potential impact of kitchen renovations, specifically lowering the bar, on the marketability and price of a home.

          Can I lower my kitchen bar without professional help?

          Detail scenarios in which a homeowner might be able to undertake some of the work themselves and when it’s crucial to involve professionals.


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          Desmond Thomas

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